PHP Cache

The PHP Cache organization is dedicated to providing solid, powerful, flexible, and lightweight caching libraries for PHP projects. All of the adapters we have created are PSR-6 and PSR-16 compliant. If you are a library implementer, we even have a repository of tests to help you meet the PSR specification.

Below you will find information about what features our libraries offer, and what adapters we have. You can also find out framework integration libraries.

If you are new to PSR-6 caching you may want to have a look at our introduction.

Note: The PHP-cache organization has been pushing the limits of caching for many years. But currently we fall behind the quicker and better maintained Symfony Cache.

Cache pool implementations

There are plenty of adapters in this organization. Each of them lives in a different repository. Splitting them up in multiple packages complies with the Common reuse principle and makes it easier for the developer to follow the changes of a specific adapter.

Each adapter has it own features. The table below lists all our adapters and their features.

Adapter Tagging Hierarchy* Badges
Apc Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Apcu Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Array Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Couchbase 1.x (via Doctrine) Yes No
Filesystem (via Flysystem) Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Illuminate Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Memcache Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Memcached Yes Yes Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
MongoDB Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Predis Yes Yes Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Redis Yes Yes Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Riak (via Doctrine) Yes No
SQLite3 (via Doctrine) Yes No
Void Yes Yes Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
WinCache (via Doctrine) Yes No
Xcache (via Doctrine) Yes No
ZendData (via Doctrine) Yes No
Chain Yes Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Doctrine Yes No Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

* Hierarchy store lots of extra items in cache that are never actively removed. Some implementations of cache storages like Redis and Memcache will automatically remove these items when they're stale or no longer used. That is why hierarchy will work better on such cache storages.

Chain adapter

We also have a chain adapter where you can chain multiple pool together. It is great if you have a fast storage with limited memory and a slower storage with loads of memory.

Doctrine adapter

The doctrine adapter is a PSR-6 adapter that wraps a Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache object. With this adapter you can use storages like Riak and WinCache which currently do not have any PHP Cache adapters.


Use composer to install any of the adapters above. Some adapters may require configuration before they can be used. Refer to the adapter's Github page to see how they are configured. You could also use the Symfony AdapterBundle to configure the adapters.

composer require cache/[any]-adapter

You can also install all of the adapters with the cache/cache

composer require cache/cache


Unless other is specified, all adapters support PHP version ^5.5 and ^7.0. Most adapters do also have requirements on PHP extension. Like the Redis adapter requires ext-redis.



Tags is used to control the invalidation of items.

$item = $pool->getItem('tobias');
$item->set('value')->setTags(['tag0', 'tag1'])

$item = $pool->getItem('aaron');

// Remove everything tagged with 'tag1'
$pool->getItem('tobias')->isHit(); // false
$pool->getItem('aaron')->isHit(); // true

$item = $pool->getItem('aaron');
echo $item->getPreviousTags(); // array('tag0')

// No tags will be saved again. This is the same as saving
// an item with no tags.


Think of a hierarchy like a file system. If you remove a folder "Foo", all items and folders in "Foo" will also be removed. A hierarchical cache key must start with a pipe ("|").

$pool->hasItem('|users|4711|followers|12|likes'); // True
$pool->hasItem('|users|4711|followers|12|likes'); // False


Namespace can be used to separate the storage of different systems in the cache. This allows different sections to be cleared on an individual level, while also preventing overlapping keys.

$pool = new ArrayCachePool();

$namespaceFoo = new NamespacedCachePool($pool, 'foo');
$item = $namespaceFoo->getItem('key')->set('value');

$namespaceBar = new NamespacedCachePool($pool, 'bar');
$namespaceBar->hasItem('key'); // False
$item = $namespaceBar->getItem('key')->set('value');

$namespaceBar->hasItem('key'); // True
$namespaceFoo->hasItem('key'); // False
$namespaceBar->hasItem('key'); // True

$namespaceBar->hasItem('key'); // True


A prefix will help you to avoid cache key collisions. The prefixed cache pool supports any PSR-6 cache implementations. The PrefixedCachePool differs from the NamespacedCachePool in two aspects:

1) You could still have conflicts if one cache key includes the prefix 2) When clearing the cache all cache items will be cleared, not only the prefixed ones.

$pool = new ArrayCachePool();

$prefixedFoo = new PrefixedCachePool($pool, 'foo');
$item = $prefixedFoo->getItem('key')->set('value');

$pool->hasItem('key'); // False
$item = $pool->getItem('key')->set('value');

$pool->hasItem('key'); // True
$prefixedFoo->hasItem('key'); // False
$pool->hasItem('key'); // True

$pool->hasItem('key'); // False

Framework integration


There are two Symfony bundles; AdapterBundle and CacheBundle.

The AdapterBundle is used to configure and register a PSR-6 cache pool as a Symfony service. The CacheBundle is used to integrate any PSR-6 cache service with the framework. It supports session cache, doctrine cache, validation cache and many more.

We would LOVE to see integration with Zend, Laravel, Yii, Cake, and even Code Igniter. If you would like to contribute, we would love to see your code.

Organisation overview

Excluding our adapters, we have the following packages

Name Description Badges
Cache Base Cache Repository. Contains all adapters. Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
AdapterBundle Bundle to register adapters to services. Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Adapter common The AbstractCachePool and CacheItem live here. Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
CacheBundle Bundle to integrate any PSR-6 service with the
Symfony framework.
Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Doctrine bridge A bridge from PSR-6 to DoctrineCache Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Encryption Encrypt data you store Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Hierarchical cache A trait and interface to support cache hierachy Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Integration tests Used to verify any PSR-6 implementation Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Namespaced cache Pool to support a namespace Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Prefixed cache Pool to support a prefix Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Session handler Implementation of \SessionHandlerInterface Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Simple Cache Bridge Bridge from PSR-6 to PSR-16 SimpleCache Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Taggable cache Decorator to make any PSR-6 cache taggable Latest Stable Version Total Downloads
Tag interop Interfaces to support cache tagging. (Soon PSR) Latest Stable Version Total Downloads



We would love to hear form you. Ping us on twitter @aequasi and @tobiasnyholm. You could also join us on Gitter.